The next time your nerves are getting the better of you ahead of an important presentation or job interview, try this:

Adjust your posture so that you are standing tall and say out loud how excited you are by whatever you are about to do and what a great challenge and opportunity it is. Visualise yourself excited and confident in the moment.

I’ve done this and it makes a real difference. The uncomfortable feelings are still there but they are now being used to your advantage. Why?

The physical symptoms and activity in the brain for anxiety and excitement are very similar.

Anxiety and excitement are emotions which are only formed by the context of the situation we are in.

We are able to change the context by the thoughts and self-talk that we have with our self.

An added benefit is that by performing at the edge of our comfort zone we are also increasing our resilience and confidence.

Why not give it a try?

With thanks to neuroscientist Ian Robertson for the tip and the explanation.